Friday, March 16, 2012


I eat broccoli with at least half of my dinners, if not more. I am not a huge fan of vegetables, but broccoli is considered one of the healthiest foods... so I figure eating it is good for my health.

I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

In short, I hate broccoli... I eat it as a necessary evil. Forced healthiness. Tonight I could barely swallow it.

So next on my agenda is how to easily prepare frozen broccoli in a healthy way. Feel free to share tips!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mini Shopping Trip at Outpost

I got sick of an empty blog, so I thought I'd make a short post showing a few interesting products I bought at Outpost.

The palm sugar and tamarind concentrate is for volcano chicken (a great thai dish). I've never made it, but have eaten my fair share of it. And I figure the ginger juice would go good in a random stir fry or other Asian dish.

I left out the split chicken breast because it isn't as photogenic as the others, but that dinner will be in a future blog post.

One other thing worth mentioning: they had a sign out for black garlic which I have only seen one time at one store (oddly, it was a local chain store in a bad neighborhood). Unfortunately they were out (although it seems pretty easy to buy online).

Black garlic is a somewhat pricey specialty ingredient used in Asian cooking. It is sweeter and has less of a harsh flavor than normal garlic. I'm sure that will show up in a future post as well.